DXN Our Customer Testimonials

Lois Chappel - Woodford.  June 2010
I have been taking Ganoderma, Cordypine, Andro G, Morinzhi,Toothpaste and many of other products for many years with great results.
On 31-05-2010,  I had an unavoidable big operation, knowing I had to have this done and knowing what Ganoderma products can do, I increased my usual maintenance dose of GL &RG to 6 pairs a day plus 2 Andro G a day for the 6 weeks beforehand. I also had been working on alkalizing my body sometime before that using the food list on www.online-ganoderma.com website.
After my Op, I took 3 GL. 
and had NO pain, I was home in 3.5 days !
Many thanks to Dr Lim for all the wonderful Ganoderma Products.   

Fred Chappel -
 Woodford. July 2010
I have been using Ganoderma products for many years. A few years ago, after my bath, my wife Lois said "What is that awful smell. ?"  and for 3 days after, I smelt like the cattle dip I had used many years before at a cattle tick research station. My body was detoxing it out of my system!

I also worked out side most of my 70 plus years and usually I wore shorts and short sleeve shirts. Since being on Ganoderma I have only had to have 1 sunspot removed.
I have consumed almost all of the DXN products and now have darker hair than all my 5 younger
siblings. I usually consume daily -1 pr GL & RG, 20 Spirulina (5 gms), 2 Potenzhi and 1
Vita cafe per day. I take 1 Andro G if I am going out to crowded shopping centres for my protection !  I do not take any prescribed medicines or flu injections. Thank you to Teena and Dr Lim for these products.

Jeanie Hore 
( Kiwi/Aussie residing in China) July 2010For maybe six years now I have been taking Ganoderma from the DXN company. I was introduced to it by my dear friend Lola & after speaking with others who were using it, I decided to take it too.
Over the past (many) years I have taken various supplements as I have a very strong wish to remain healthy. Since I was 28yrs I have suffered with an arthritic ankle...the result of a Dr's decision when I was 12yrs. I tried many different things over the years, but nothing continued to work effectively. I had a few other irritating aliments, but nothing big & I just put up with them.
I am now free of any irritating pain issues. I realised recently that I have not had any ankle pain for nearly 12 months. Up till then it would reoccur then go into remission. Prior to Gamoderma I never ever experienced any remission. If I stood too long on my feet.....oh the pain. It completely dominated my life.
As I live in China & the DXN company doesn't operate here yet, I have to buy them in Hong Kong. This is a bit of a hassle for me, but I still go there to buy them. I intend to take them for the rest of my life. I do not take any other vitamins or supplements only those produced by this company. I take their spirulina, use the toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, soap (great face cleanser) & the face moisturizer. The Ganoderma is organically produced. It's all on their web site. Google ganoderma & any ailment & you will find the necessary information online. Its no secret.
What has prompted me to write this are a few things. Maybe you have no idea about it & right now you need to know. But mostly I know people are often scared to take what they see as medication if their Dr has not prescribed it. This is not medication. But maybe you have tried it & had what you think is a reaction so stopped taking it with out being fully aware of how it works.
On this website, read "Understanding the Healing Responses". Read everything on the web site.  If nothing else you will be a little better informed.     Today I decided to read through the testimonials...that's what really got me moving to write this....some incredible stories there.
For those who are interested in making money there is an opportunity there for that too. I  have several rich, healthy friends :)
After six years of personal use I feel this qualifies me to recommend this product to you. You don't have to have health issues to take it. It's for maintinance and protection,  you have no idea what is really going on inside your body. You get heaps of wonderful comments about how good you look :) 

Roy and Carole Morris (Narangba Qld)
IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome
My wife Carole is 5ft tall and was almost put in hospital when she went from 48kg to 35 kg. She was so skinny, as for 10 years she could not eat any food that would not make her stomach upset and run to the toilet.
We spent thousands of dollars on medications and had been to many doctors, specialists and naturopaths and had so many tests done, but no one could help her. We even had medication sent from America.
We came across Ganoderma by chance, as we had never seen or heard about it anywhere.
Carole starting consuming Ganoderma and is now eating cakes, pastries, dairy, wheat, gluten, salads, vegetables and even chocolate (which she loves). She now has energy, sleeps peacefully through the night, is a back up to 48kg again and our friends say she is "Glowing".
We do not, and will not promote or use anything of any kind unless it works for us personally first. Ganoderma has saved Carole’s life.
If we can help you or others to have a more enjoyable pain free life then our work here is done.
After the detox, we now take 2 pair RG & GL in the morning 1 pair each at night, 6 Spirilina morning and 6 at night, 2 Andro G in the morning 1 at night.
Make Ganoderma part of your grocery list or budget as we do.
Roy and Carole Morris

My Name is  Ernie Clare I am 65 years of age and reside near Caboolture Qld.  Dec  2009                                
For many years I have suffered from severe chronic pain in my chest area. It was so bad I was unable to climb a flight of stairs, as well as this I also suffered from high blood pressure, aching joints in a couple of fingers, lower back and knees. Everything I tried to do was an effort and pain related, I was forced to take early retirement at age 54 from a job I had held for 24 years.
In the meantime I was treated by several Doctors,had all sorts of tests done and was given lots of different medication which seemed to make the situation worse.  Finally I decided to try Natural remedies after being introduced to a Naturapath, his treatment did give me some relief for a while, however my monthly bill was enormous.
Then one day I was introduced to DXN GANODERMA products by a friend I had known for many years. I started taking RG & GL Ganoderma capsules.  I first noticed a difference in my health within 2 weeks, my energy levels increased, the Chest pains were less frequent, the Arthritis pains were also less frequent after a month and my blood pressure started to improve.
Last June 2009 I was Diagnosed with an abnormal cell condition in the colon. I had a large tumor removed, the Doctors recommended I have Chemo, however I refused their kind offer and decided to take the large doses of Ganoderma Mycodiet and Spirulina, after 6 months on these two products my tests came back clear with no sign of abnormal cell growth or any other health problems.
Not only have these products restored my health, they have saved me a lot of money compared to my monthly Naturapath bill. Thank you DXN GANODERMA for introducing me to these life saving products.

Alwyn Cleaver 
 Wurtulla, Qld. April 2009

"Just got my results back from my bladder [abnormal cell growth] test and I am all free.  The only extra thing that I have taken over this period of time, other than for colds, flu or asthma, is your Ganoderma.  So I have to put my freedom from the bladder [abnormal cell growth] down to your product.  Thanks so much."

Greg Andrews
 [husband of Perla] Christchurch NZ Feb 2009
Glaucoma occurs when the intraocular pressure (IOP) within the eye is high enough to cause progressive damage to the optic nerve, resulting in vision loss. A normal healthy optic nerve has about a million nerve fibres which come from the retina (the seeing membrane at the back of the eye).  When glaucoma develops, these nerve fibres start to die off and if enough nerve tissue is lost, then the vision starts to be affected.
In the initial stages of glaucoma there is usually no noticeable change in vision but it has been estimated that during this time a patient can lose as many as half the nerve fibres in the eye and these cannot be regenerated.
High eye pressure   = over 21 mmHg,
Normal eye pressure = 6 - 21 mmHg.

Greg’s eye pressure prior to today’s visit to the Doctor was 26. His diet is poor, consisting of sausages and mashed potatoes etc. Greg has been on Ganoderma now for some months, taking 3prs (2 each RG and GL) along with 10 DXN Spirulina each day.                                        
The great news is that the eye pressure of Greg is now 16 mmHg in the right eye and 17 mmHg in the left, this is now in the range of normal . 


Aubrey R G McLeod,  Christchurch NZ  04/09/2008                                               

Two years ago after previously suffering a stroke on top of having a spinal injury from an industrial accident then latterly having a heart attack, I was at a point in my life that because of these events and their side effects I was restricted in my ability to walk very far and was on elbow crutches. I was pretty much chair bound and in a frame of mind where all I wanted to do was die [this was a tough attitude to take as I am very happily married to a wonderful person, but my life was going no-where but down, and I did not wish to be a burden, no matter that I would cause grief.
Then about 18 months ago I was introduced to Ganoderma in the form of Black Coffee. I was given one cup on a Saturday and was left a partial sachet, giving me about two more coffees, after consuming all of it, on Sunday I noticed a dramatic reduction in my Edema.
It was on these results that I joined DXN in about March 2007. I continued with the coffee until December 2007 when I supplemented the coffee with Ganoderma GL. Over the Xmas period we went to Marlborough Sounds, while there I had a massive detox from the bowel. I also lost 5kg and with a diet change have kept it off and have now lost more, a total in fact of 13kg since Xmas .
While at Marlborough Sounds I also found myself walking freely and covering more distance with my walking pole, I actually achieved some marvelous milestones while there. On our return to Christchurch I added Ganoderma GL to the RG intake, making it a pair of 90’s, since doing this, wonderful things have happened, these not being recognized immediately, they just sneak up on you and suddenly you realize something is different, like in 1998 when I had my heart attack I had violent pains in my stomach, the reason I went to the hospital A&E, they told me I had suffered a heart attack, they were not interested in the stomach pains, and I left the hospital still suffering them, which I got semi used to and still had them this year, it was about a month ago I suddenly realized I had no more stomach pain, also no more gout or pains in my hands.
My Doctor has taken me off two tablets and a three monthly injection. I just keep improving and  believe I have added 15 – 20 years to my life, instead of my earlier mental attitude.
I will not stop taking Ganoderma products because of the change they have made in me and my life, taking me from "Hell to Health”
I found a positive attitude after taking DXN products, and a belief in them. Your own mental acceptance of the detoxifying that will take place, be it pimples, sore stomach or intensity in an existing problem, this is only a temporary situation. Consistency in taking the product [whichever one you’re on] is extremely important.  I wish every one the success with their health as I have.

Aubrey McLeod  Christchurch 10.6.2010

During July 2009 I had the experience of having 13 teeth extracted under anaesthetic, the procedure taking 2 hours !  After regaining full consciousness I pondered at having no pain ? My gums were very tender if I put them together, but I NEVER suffered any of the pain that was expected.   I was told to rinse my mouth regularly with a salt solution, instead I used Ganoderma Toothpaste disolved in water for the next two weeks before I my appointment with the Dental surgeon who performed the extractions. I was told to get into the chair and open my mouth, in he went with his little mirror and light, then I heard the exclamation "I don't believe it" where upon I said in a qivering voice "Don't beleive what?" only to hear agaiin "I don't believe it", now getting a terrified feeling, I repeated "don't believe WHAT?". His reply stunned me, at the same time giving me a feeling of relief.  His reply was - "They way I had to cut your gums, and cut and grind your teeth out, I expected your gums to still be in one hell of a mess, but they are almost healed !!"

It was not until today 9.6.2010 while at a Ganoderma meeting when someone else mentioned they experienced no pain after surgery, that the truth dawned on me, my no pain and quick healing was due to the fact that I was on Ganoderma and had been for at least 2 years prior to the surgery.

Mavis Lincoln  Sunshine Coast, Australia (June 2011Update). 


Hi!  I’m Mavis Lincoln.
Here’s my story:
      I stood speechless as my sister’s bad news slowly sank into my shocked brain.  "Mum has been given 2 days to live”, Verna said. "Get all the family down to Brisbane Women’s Hospital”.  We drove through the night and Mum passed away 2 days later.   She had just turned 53.
My mother had undergone a radical mastectomy of her right breast, and in less than 2 months it had beaten her.  The Brisbane doctors admitted that she should never have been subjected to the month of radiation.  It had really weakened her immune system.  Many believed then, and still do, that when cancer cells are cut and exposed to air, they spread.  The post mortem report described a "galloping cancer” throughout many parts of her body.
There was my other family history, of course.  Both my grandmothers had died of bowel cancer – one was 52; the other was 66. Several uncles, aunts, and cousins had also succumbed to various types of cancer, (one cousin with leukemia was only 34).  My younger brother became a fatality at age 55.
It was probably the day after my mother’s funeral that I made a definite decision that should I contract the disease, I would not submit to surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.  Each person, of course, must make his/her own personal decision.  Mum had desperately sought help from a prominent Brisbane alternative therapist during her radium treatment, but sadly, natural therapists were very hesitant back then to treat cancer.
The day I was introduced to Ganoderma in June 2004, was the same day my doctor had sent me for an ultrasound to investigate lower abdominal pain.  Since he was then on holidays, it was 2 weeks before I received the results.  The doctor carefully explained that for uterine cancer they would remove the uterus and I would not live long, or enjoy quality of life in the meantime. Conversely, if I did nothing, the result would be the same – not much of a choice!! Thankfully, he then acknowledged my right as a patient to choose my own path which he noted in records.  I signed a form releasing him from responsibility, and decided to increase my intake of Ganoderma.
Two subsequent scans at quarterly intervals showed very pleasing progress, as did the scan 14 months later.  This time the endometrium thickening was down from the original 6.3mm to 2.8mm (4mm is allowable for my post menopausal age).  Medically this is extremely rare.  Very importantly, the previously described tubular structure related to the endometrium was no longer apparent.  My doctor said, "I am very happy with this report”.
During this visit, though, the doctor reminded me that my last colonoscopy several years earlier, had shown pre-malignant polyps, and he ordered another colonoscopy. Very happily, this test was clear.
In 2008, my requested test report prompted my doctor to say, "I’m not sending you for further tests; there is just no need”.  Sometime later, my doctor moved interstate.   
A few months ago, because of my family history and for my own ongoing peace of mind, I asked my new doctor for an updated test of the pelvic area.  The results were still excellent.
I feel very blessed, and I thank God that Ganoderma was available at the very time I so desperately needed it.  I continue to take Ganoderma for both future protection and for an amazing quality of life for my approaching 75 years.     Mavis Lincoln  

John White  ( Christchurch NZ )
Queens Birthday weekend June 2007, my health was so bad my friend took me to the 24 hour clinic and I was put in hospital with a very bad kidney infection. On my release from hospital I was given Ciprofloxacin tablets to take, but every time the course finished I kept getting the infection back. This continued for close to 10 months during which time I was regularly seeing doctors and was put on Dosan also, but by 10.00am everyday I just wanted to go home to bed, as I had no energy left and driving home from work was struggling to stay awake.
I  was also diagnosed with an enlarged prostate and kidney infection. The doctors did not know why it kept recurring, so I was given lots of tests. I carried on this way up until March 2008, when on the suggestion of my Wife, she told me about a DXN meeting her friend Perla had invited us to at Aubrey McLeod’s place in Christchurch.
At this stage I was desperate, so we went along to find out if this could be of any help to me, after hearing how DXN had changed Aubrey’s life and  a few others that were there spoke on how they had gained better health from taking DXN products. I decided to join that night and bought the GL & RG capsules to take home to try. That night I took a pair of capsules.
During the course of the evening we consumed different types of DXN coffee and tea. I was suffering from tennis elbow and I noticed the pain in my elbow had disappeared by the time we left to go home. On my return home I jumped on the computer and run a web search on Ganoderma. For the next week I was sceptical about the whole thing and just thought it was being hyped up.
I also suffered from bad pain in both shoulders for over 20 years due to rotor cuff injuries and had tried everything over that number of years to relieve the pain to no avail, but to my surprise after only 2 days on the capsules, the pain had totally gone.
Later on that week I was to get another big surprise. As I suffered from migraine headaches that normally put me in bed, I got the start of a migraine and could feel my head thumping but to my surprise I had no pain with it and carried on like I did not have one even though I could feel my head thumping away (strangest feeling I have ever had)
The second week I went to 2 pairs a week then partway through that week I increased the dosage to 5 pairs and really felt my body detox as well as starting to feel my health get better and my energy levels getting much better.
I continued to report to my scheduled hospital and laboratory tests and when I went to have a blood test at Southern Laboratories I said to the person that took my blood it would be intresting to see the result of this test and she asked me why. I told her that I had been only taking DXN ganoderma and would like to know if there had been any changes in my blood since my last blood test, when I was only on Doctor’s medication. She then replied that ganoderma had really amazing properties and she was taking it also.
My blood test turned out to be fine, which was a huge improvement from the previous one.
I also reported to the hospital on the 22nd May 2008 as I was to have my gall bladder removed, but on seeing the Dr he reported that I no longer needed to have it removed which was the best news I received as I did not really want to lose any body parts.
I have remained taking 3 pairs of capsules everyday as well as taking Spirulina, coffee and other products. DXN has more than helped me with my health it has given me back my life, I will continue to use DXN products everyday for the rest of my life. I now tell my story to everyone so they may learn about and use  DXN Products.
Baby "Tana"  Starting early for a strong foundation to life, taking small amounts of GL (Ganoderma powder) with mothers milk here at 2 weeks old.


Germaine Winspear   My 5 yr old son suffered from breathing difficulties. After consuming Ganoderma for 3 weeks, he coughed and vomited a lot of mucus and phlegm from his lungs. This lasted for about 2 weeks on a dose of one pair of capsules per day. Normally he was only able to run around the outside of the house as fast as he could once - then need his atomiser pump. One day when racing  his brothers, he ran around the house 3 times in excellent time. To my surprise he was breathing deeply when finished and with no need for his pump. This to me is just amazing. With myself I noticed after consuming the capsules for one week my lower back pain was as if not even there, it is so minimal at around 5 %. I have had two spinal blocks with caesarean births and had 5 children altogether, so this has caused much back pain. My menstrual cycle was also extremely abnormal. After taking Ganoderma for 3 months all is very regular and normal now.

Gail O’Brist    Hello my name is Gail, and I just wanted to tell you about my 14 year old Toy poodle "Ben”. The Vet has been wanting to put my best friend down for the last 12 months. Ben and I had other Ideas.  He has C....., is totally deaf, almost blind, slept all day and all night and could hardly walk, not much pleasure in life for him. Also smelt dreadful. Seven weeks ago I introduced my little pal to Ganoderma, the huge lump under his jaw has withered to size of a pencil about 3 inches long, and looks like it is almost ready to fall off, there is no more odour coming from him and his gums are all very healthy looking now. He plays and follows me around just like he used to and has even been for several walks this last week. His eyes are much improved and no longer walks into glass doors. His nose is always wet now. I know he is old and so am I. We both wanted quality of life and take Ganoderma, Ben now has a better life style and can live the rest of his life in a healthier way ..... Oh yes he also has his teeth cleaned with Ganozhi, I’m sure he is smiling at me. 

 Yvonne Parnell  I started taking Ganoderma in July....one of the main results so far is my improved sleeping, after many years of insomnia. Also a general feeling of energy and well-being.
 Coral Horton    I began taking Ganoderma in March and I am amazed at how well I am
coping with my increasingly busy lifestyle! My memory has improved along with my energy.
All hail Ganoderma !!
Anna Long   Since taking Ganoderma in April I have experienced initial energy spurts and longer concentration. I have also started to detox which with patience will deal with various issues in the body, which can heal itself. We give our 30kg, 13 year old dog a half capsule of each, and she has improved greatly. She was limping with serious joint pain, becoming incontinent and diahorrea. All those symptoms have gone after one month and she is now jumping around again !
 Glenda Sedgeman   I was born with breathing difficulties as was most of my fathers family. The effects were severe and debilitating, necessitating large quantities of drugs. I was often confined to bed and hospitalised I was pleased to have a vast improvement using kinesiology. Imagine my delight to find that the Ganoderma which was taken for another reason has made an enormous difference and I am almost symptom-free. 
Anne Prince   In January I was bitten by a White Tail spider, on the top of the arm, near the armpit. It was a big, red, weeping mess for 6 months. After one week of ingesting one pair of Gano capsules a day I noticed a big improvement. After two weeks  of applying the toothpaste  it was completely gone, with no scar. I have energy to burn, I am working harder at 56 than I did in my 40`s ! Ganoderma is fantastic!!
Maria Cooke   I have taken Ganoderma for two and a half months now and since I have started my bad back has disappeared and my energy levels have greatly improved. PS. My dentures now fit better on my gums.
Margie Wright  Nambour. I take 2 GL and 1 RG twice a day to ensure I do not develop mental decay, which my mother had. After 5 months I find my memory is greatly improved. A half-inch mole took 2 months to go. I clean my dogs` teeth with the toothpaste, which they love!
Joyce Bubb  Buderim. Thanks, Ganoderma Carers. I started very slowly on Ganoderma tea, coffee and toothpaste. I found all products helpful, and tried adding the detox, and restoring the capsules in small amounts after 3 weeks. I had noticeable results in my chronic lower back pain, hips, knees and painful bone disorder in my right foot, in particular. After 3 months of treatments, using the toothpaste and lotion morning and night on joints back pain has disappeared, and knees almost better. Thanks, Ganoderma.
 Lisa Spiquel   I started taking Gano 25.03.04. I had been constipated for 24 years, after a Caesarean section, but am OK now. My blood / excess iron health problem has gone. My hip and back pain improved in the first 3 weeks. I had been expecting to have to have a hip-replacement. I was always tired, but not any more, and I sleep like a baby. Friends tell me I am not looking grey any more!
 Yvonne. I had a rash between my fingers did not develop into the usual blisters and in 2 days is inhealing process. I used the toothpaste (3 weeks treatment).
Richard Hays   I was persuaded to try Ganoderma to counter my cigarette smoking and for painful joints. Almost immediately I noticed a difference in the pain. I could sit cross-legged without discomfort. I became complacent after taking the pills for 2 months and failed to
re-order. I was well so I thought. Within 1 week I re-ordered! My joints were again extremely painful. I had forgotten what pain I had been in before I started now I have energy to burn. I have always looked great (of course !) but now with Ganoderma I also feel great. I am 56.
Mavis Lincoln  Immediately after being introduced to Ganoderma Lucidum it was discovered that I had a thickening of the Endometrium (6.3mm). My doctor advised further investigation as malignancy was considered a strong possibility. I declined but agreed to a further ultrasound after 3 months. The Endometrium is now a normal thickness of 3mm. 
Eddie: 63yrs   I have worked in the earthmoving, mining and construction industry for the past 45 years and believe me operating heavy machinery has taken its toll on my fitness and general health, not to mention blood pressure, the onset back and neck pain and being overweight.
In 1976 I sustained a severe right shoulder injury when tossed over a fence by a bull I incurred extensive soft tissue damage and over the years the doctors could only prescribe painkillers, mostly panadene forte I have been unable to sleep on my right side as numbness and pins-and-needles would give me constant pain. In mid 2003 when going to climb down a ladder into an excavation the ladder collapsed and I fell 18 feet to the bottom with one leg twisted in the ladder. Again after several x-rays there was no broken bones. Two separate doctors concluded I had sustained torn cartilage and soft tissue damage and was a prime candidate for a knee replacement. The only relief from pain was hot packs and massage lotions which would last 3 to 4 hours. My knee would give-way as soon as I put my weight on it I was first introduced to the products in late March/04. I rubbed the toothpaste on my aching knee after a shower one night and the next morning the pain had eased a lot and my knee did not collapse under my weight.
A week later I started taking the capsules. After two days I asked my wife how long did it take for the products to work? She didn’t know, as she was still learning about these products. She asked why?Well I said "I hardly notice any pain in my knee.” I have been taking the ganoderma capsules now for 6 weeks and will not be without them everbecause of the tremendous relief.
It’s given me. I can now sleep on my right side very comfortably the toothpaste I am rubbing on the sunspots on my hands, upper arms and face the more recent ones are disappearing very quickly. I’m looking forward to my next medical check, which I have every 6 months. Maybe my blood pressure will be normal. To those of you who are operating heavy machinery or driving trucks and can relate to these conditions I have experienced you won’t know what these marvellous Chinese herbs can do for you till you try them.
Jeanie Hore   On Thursday Sandi & I went over to Hong Kong for the day. She had to
renew her visa & I had to get some more gano products. I am so thrilled with this product ...ganoderma .....for those of U who know me will know that I have suffered for many years with ankle joint pain, which has not allowed me to do any extensive walking. Well it is hardly 2 mths since I started taking the tablets & already I can walk for any length of time  & not have any pain. I have really put this to the test & you cannot believe how much this changes my life style. A full day at school with 5 lessons, no big deal at all now. They also give U a lot more energy & I sleep really well. For a long time prior to taking the tablets I always had very restless nights. 
Maxine Smith  I had mercury toxicity which affected my whole body, kidneys, ears, eyes, brain. Also artery problems. When I started on the Ganoderma I had an initial increase in energy and better temperament, but a shocking shortness of breath after 3 weeks. I maintained on  3 pairs a day until it passed. Now I have no more mercury toxicity, my teeth are improving, my vision, hearing and breathing are all better.
Robyn Green   I had very heavy menstrual bleeding for several years. I was always very tired from all the constant bleeding. Blood tests revealed my iron levels were very low, normal being 100....mine was 4 !   I wanted to sleep all the time. I started taking iron and Vit. B supplements, but it can take up to a year to raise iron levels.  I needed a quicker solution.  I began taking Ganoderma and could not believe, within 2 days, how much energy I had.I cleaned my house and car, first time in ages ! My whole outlook has improved.....I feel alive again, I hardly ever feel tired, I work, I play, I can do anything I want. It`s AMAZING !!
Honora Broderick For 4-5 months I had a lump the size of a pea in my breast, which became infected. The doctor put me on antibiotics, and when the inflammation subsided she made an appointment for a biopsy. But meanwhile I had been on Ganoderma for 6 weeks, and returned to my Doctor the lump had gone.
Ron Kennedy  I was diagnosed with a mass in my stomach. My doctor proposed surgery
but I decided to do a Detox, up to 30 pairs of Ganoderma per day. When I returned 15th September there was no mass left. I believe Ganoderma helped to remove it. I believe that everyone needsGanoderma in his or her lives.
Elizabeth Pepene :   I had my first stroke at age 81 while I was hospitalised with food poisoning. So I was 6 weeks in hospital instead of 1week.  After 6 months care by my daughter, I was able to live on my own again. I suffered another stroke 4 months ago,  which has affected my memory and mobility and I am unable to live alone again. I will be 96 on 23rd November, 2004. What I realise is that is that through my daughter giving  me a daily dose of Ganoderma I am walking confidently again with my stick. No more wheelchair or walking-frame. My short-term memory is improving. I also have a stoma, and the soap is great for keeping it clean from escoring. Massages with the oil on my legs help my grazes and bruises heal quickly. Sometime I forget to take my prescribed medication, but I always take my Gano capsules. They make me feel so good.
Bruce & Greta Howard   I am aged 67 years - and reside in Auckland, New Zealand - This testimonial is freely given to assist any person who may wish to use the products RG - Reishi Gano and GL - Ganocelium.
I have been using the tablets for three months now and although sceptical to start with, have been having a pair of tablets a day ever since.
For the past 8 years approx. I have been suffering from Schamberg's disease  (progressive pigmented purpura) on the lower right leg. This unsightly condition has lessened quite significantly in the colour and area previously affected. Further, a large varicose vein on  the right calf has almost receded back to skin level and diminished in  size and colour. In addition two growths, one on the upper spine which protruded radially, and  the other on the left side of the neck, have receded to the point where there the have  almost disappeared and become unnoticeable. This is quite remarkable as for the past several years they had been growing! 
My wife, who is 63, and myself have both noticed our hair has been growing faster and thickening. Mine is even encroaching over the bald spot on my crown - to the point where my barber is commenting. Both of us have also experienced our skin becoming less dry, with flaking and cracking disappearing where once we had to use a salve to keep the skin moisturized, especially on our lower limbs. My wife has also noticed her spider varicose veins are fading. Our general feeling of well-being has increased as well. We now consider the use
of these products to be part and parcel of our normal health regime.
We have no hesitation in accepting enquiries as to the above statements of fact. 

Helen Hazell   65 years and getting younger by the minute. My Ganoderma Story: Before I started taking Ganoderma Lucidum one year ago, I felt "an absolute wreck'', in fact I thought I was "going down the tube”. When I eventually got out of bed each day, I felt  like I had been ‘hit by a truck’ I was sore all over and it took me a few minutes to stand up. I suffered from many conditions such as blood disorders, frequent bladder infections, heavy aching legs, sadness, sciatica, short term memory loss, poor eyesight, bowell problems, sinus problems, overweight, brain fog, left hip problem, snow white hair, generally felt and looked very old, sick and I was in pain. Nothing my GP gave me did any good at all and although being a trained nurse and trained naturopath myself I could not help myself either. I spent most of my time sitting,
laying down or sleeping, I felt so bad that I didn’t want to go on living because I didn’t want to
be a burden on my wonderful partner who had said "Even if I have to spoon feed you,
I won’t leave you”. 
The day after I took my first pair of capsules, I woke up in the morning amazed that I  could remember my dreams in vivid colour, I hadn’t been able to remember dreams for years, so I knew something dramatic was happening in my brain, and since that very  first day I have gradually continued to improve in health and sense of wellbeing to the  point that I no longer feel sick and old, my eyesight has improved dramatically and even  my hair colour is gradually going back to it’s original shade. Over a few weeks I gradually built up my dose to 6 pair of caps a day and stayed on that dose for 3 months, I now take 4 pair a day. Now, when I wake up in the morning I bounce out of bed work all day and hardly ever need to rest, I laugh a lot and I feel absolutely fantastic and people keep telling me how great I look. I have started an eBay business which keeps me very busy, I love it and I’m coping very well with it, considering I work 7 days a week and up to16 hours a day. I truly believe that Ganoderma Lucidum has 'turned back the clock' for me and I never want to go back to the way I felt before. I plan to take these capsules for the  rest of my life.
Kristine Denholm:  My True Story: My name is Kristine, I am 39 years old. 11 years ago,  in 1993, I was diagnosed with a severe form of a common painful joint condition.
My health which had been generally very good, deteriorated quite rapidly, for the most part the medical treatment offered to me was aggressive and I began a regime of anti inflammatory, chemotherapy  and assorted pain relieving drugs, that merely reduced, temporarily, the chronic insidious pain I was in. More drugs were to follow. At stages I was taking twenty different tablets, several times a day. This disease started in my toes and ankles but quickly spread to other soft tissue areas of my joints and caused swelling and inflammation of fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, sacro-iliac, jaw, knees, ribs, spine and neck. Within twelve months I had been classified an invalid and been allocated a full time care giver. In the next few years was hospitalised fourteen times. My whole system seemed to suffer from the enormous amount of pharmaceutical drugs I was taking. I was losing hair, I had bowel problems, bad skin, tooth loss, lethargy, severe sadness and muscle atrophy. I was a wreck and on the verge of suicide several times. I was then given information about very potent antioxidant treatment; this helped for a time and allowed me to lead a more normal existence. Then, two years ago, the disease returned with a vengeance, I flared badly, but the anti oxidant treatment, this time, only had minimal effect and it was very expensive. I avoided  my Doctor for a while as long as I could, for fear of this drug therapy nightmare beginning again however, eventually; I had to go back, to get relief from the terrible pain  I was in.  At this stage my right elbow was swollen and I could not straighten my arm  it was locked at a 45% angle also my left shoulder was swollen and I could not lift that arm more than a few inches so I could not look after myself, I was so depressed and  looked forward with dread at a future of pain, drugs and dependency on others.
Then, just when I had no hope left, I heard about Ganoderma Lucidum, just ten weeks ago, this was 4 weeks after I had reluctantly, been back to my Doctor to begin chemotherapy again. A friend gave me some Ganoderma Lucidum to try,   to my amazement I had a very positive reaction within a few hours and since that  very first pair of capsules, I have been completely pain free, yes completely pain free!, without taking any more drugs at all. Every part of my body is improving daily, hourly. The joints, while still swollen, are pain  free, I sleep very soundly, my bowels behave normally, I have energy to burn, my head is clear and I have been able to return to full time work. My gums teeth hair and skin are all showing signs of rejuvenation, spots and marks on my skin are reducing in size and I  feel my libido returning. My vision is clearing and I have no lethargy. All of this has happened in a few short weeks and since I first started on the detox program, I have taken up to eight pairs of capsules a day but have now reduced them to 3 pairs a day and continue to enjoy improved health. Iam happy to discuss my condition and healing with anyone who feels hopeless like I did.    In good health and happiness,
NATURES PHARMACY IS THE BEST.   In good health and happiness,

Warren Pobje's story    I have the Haemo chromatosis gene which causes the body to absorb abnormal and excessive amounts of iron. As iron is toxic, Haemo chromatosis can cause arthritis, diabetes and liver disorders, among other diseases. Because it is genetic there is no cure and the only treatment is to be bled at regular intervals. For the last four years I've suffered constant and increasing pain in my joints together with some liver problems. During that four years I've had fortnightly bleeds for three months in each 6. By the end of August 2003 it had become difficult and painful to walk or drive. At the time I had just finished 3 months of fortnightly bleeds and the blood test revealed an iron reading of 85 (the recommended maximum is 100).

 In the first week of September I started taking Ganoderma capsules. By the 4th day the pain was worse than I had ever had but by the end of that week the pain had started to decrease markedly. By the end of November I only had slight pain in 3 knuckles with no pain in my joints. I had my 3 monthly blood test at the end of November and instead of an iron level of around 500, as it normally would be after 3 months, the level was only 108, which is a negligible increase. For the first time in 4 years I'm 99% free of pain,  my liver readings are getting back to normal and the majority of the excess iron is being flushed from my body and I no longer require regular bleeds.  Thanks to Ganoderma I can live a normal happy, healthy life.

 Hans Liszikam  Since I was diagnosed with a blood sugar problem about 3 years ago, my blood sugar levels fluctuated from 5.8 to 8.9. Since taking Ganoderma it has stabilized and dropped to 4.8, 5.3, 5.8, 5.3.  (4 tests a day). This is great news. I also cut the tip of my index finger with a circular saw about 3 weeks ago. Thanks to Ganoderma it has healed already despite my problem. Since washing my hair with Ganoderma Shampoo, I have noticed a darkening in the colour, more like when I was younger and my hair looks and feels fuller. I also have severe Arthritis and since taking the capsules I now can walk and even run. Waste elimination was always a big problem. This too has normalized. I also have severe sleep disorders (insomnia). Since taking the capsules, I fall asleep easy and awake after six hours, feeling refreshed and energized. My Liver functions normally now and the pain in my joints, that for around two weeks increased, is barely evident now.
Correspondence from Olga Veta, Kodiak Island Alaska Thank you for all of your advices and methods of regrowing cartilage. I will start boiling chicken soups more, I love to boil the bones. I am missing cartilage in the left knee after a surgery that went bad, and I also have trouble with my hips.  It was very encouraging to hear that you are "RUNNING" up the steps after 15 years of not being able to do so. There might be hope for me too. I walk like an old woman, and because of the pain, I waddle like a duck. I am slowly getting better since I've started taking big doses of MSM supplements, and Glucosamine sulfate, and Vitamin C. I am only 60, and I should still be able to walk normally.
I will be ordering more . I need to look at the other products that the company has. Take care, my friend, talk to you soon again, Olga
Hello, from Alaska: How are you?
That Ganoderma seems to be a real miracle. I would like to buy a supply. Five of each bottle, ten in total. Please, let me know how much it will cost, plus shipping, and I will send the money to you in advance so that you do not have to put your own money out.
The miracles: my kidneys are working better. The swelling around my left knee has disappeared. I am walking overall better, and I sleep a lot better. It seems to also have changed how I react to foods. I was very allergic to lots of things, and now I can tolerate them so much better. I want to put Pete on this, that is why I want to get a good supply. Please, let me know. And wishing you a wonderful day, Olga
Rod Osmond  I feel that taking Ganoderma has helped my body detox from chemicals inhaled while working on farms. The product seems to have caused rashes under my  arms and in the groin area and if I scratch the rash I can smell the chemicals, which had inhaled years ago.
Beverly Paul   I was introduced to  Ganoderma 3 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with a disease 3 years ago, causing bone deformity and pain. I was taking so many painkillers my skin broke out with rashes. My doctor said I would need injections to control the pain. Since I began taking the capsules I am starting to hope, as my back- pain and leg-pain have disappeared, in fact I am pain-free! I can hardly believe it.
Marie Barrett  I have been using Ganoderma capsules for fifteen months. During that time I have enjoyed increased energy level, clearer thinking. Vastly improved immune system, and now my hair is growing to its natural colour (silver disappearing). I do not  use the shampoo, however, I do use the Ganoderma toothpaste for teeth and gums as well as cleaning a mild bout of tinea (athletes foot).
Barry Beetham Thanks to Ganoderma for helping me over come my blood sugar level problem, which I had is now gone. Thank you – you're doing something great in helping others to wellness.
Selwyn Montgomery  I was born with a mild disorder of the central nervous system from the waist down. At the age of 49, I had an operation to straighten my legs. 10 months after that operation I still had a lot of difficulty walking and I had to use a walking stick. I then heard about Ganoderma and started  taking 6 pairs a day because of my condition. About 10 days after starting, I felt something liken to electric currents or pulses on each side of the top of my brain which lasted about 24 hours. It was a very unusual feeling, but there was no pain. Realising  that  Ganoderma could be doing something, I then started to take 10 pairs per day. Very soon after I began walking without aid. Iactually threw away my walking stick !
Colin McGillivray Auckland NZ) I suffered with high cholesterol, over 10, and blood pressure problems. Since I started on Ganoderma in July 2004, I now have normal blood-pressure and my cholesterol is below 5.   I had battled for years to lower my cholesterol count.   I also had restless legs which is now gone.
John Breukelaar (Ashburton NZ)  Because of my work as a painter, I am full of lead toxins,
and all my joints have always ached. After 7 months (on Ganoderma) my joints no longer ache.......and on my bald head, my hair is growing back !

Neil Berryman Christchurch NZ) I was a spray-painter, using cyanide-based paints. Since taking Ganoderma I have a sequence of skin-eruptions occurring regularly, emitting quantities of matter. I can identify the smell of cyanide, showing me the detoxification process ongoing.!

Colleen Cox,  Hervey Bay: I have been on Ganoderma now for 1 month. There are no words to describe the difference it has made to my life. I have so much energy now and I sleep a whole lot better. I recommend Ganoderma to everybody. It’s fantastically great, so try it.
Peter Kelly  Carseldine QLD
A friend told me about Ganoderma while standing in a back yard on the Sunshine Coast. She had suffered from MS for many years and found relief at last. I always like to get all  the facts on these things and from independent sources, I decided to try a toothpaste product. I was already pretty healthy for 55 years but my doctor had identified some spots on my face, which he  was going to 'freeze' off. One in particular was quite sore to touch, so I applied a small amount of paste to this largest and worst patch on my cheek, once each day. Three weeks later I was scratching off an area of brownish skin that had formed. A couple of  days of scratching removed the dead skin layer to reveal pink skin which after two more days had settled to no more than a pale blemish which has had no soreness since. I considered the problem solved so I was eager to try other DXN products. I'm still  noticing improvements in my general health and feel like I could take on the world. I feel more alert yet calm enough to cope with everyday situations. I consume several DXN products each day including RG/GL, Spirulina, Toothpaste and 3in1 coffee.  Thank you so much Dr. Lim.

Valerie Milton-Thompson: I have always, since being a small child, had irritating Bowel problems, which has caused me to have diahhorea problems after eating certain foods. In November/December in 2001 I was diagnosed as having Bowel Cancer, and had surgery on the tumour, it being removed. I am very happy to have survived the operation. I am  alive.  However, there has been a side effect, which my surgeon told me is rare.... My bouts of Diahhorea increased and were present after each lot of food ingested. I was prescribed Loper amide, Lofenalac and Imodium in order to try to gain some relief, all of which was ineffective in relieving my problem, and caused me great discomfort and anguish.  Since October 2003 and
I have been taking the RG and GL capsules daily, sometimes 2 pairs, and sometimes 4 pairs. 
I was introduced to the TOOTHPASTE, and not only using it to clean my teeth, swallow it in approx. 2" [inch] amounts after each meal. My diahhorea is minimal and Thanks to this product, and the Ganoderma capsules, I can now live a normal and far less embarrassing life. I no longer have had to take the tablets afore mentioned. and rely wholly on the toothpaste. I find too, by taking the capsules, and the coffee that I have much more vitality, and am enjoying life far more than pre Ganoderma days.  I have had another effect from the DXN products, this being my ankles not retaining fluid, as they had done for more than 40 years after the birth of my  third child.
Lyn Betar  Dubbo:  I have been using the product for about 4 months. I have had a great detox, thank God, being 60 years young I have obviously accumulated a lot of toxins over the years. Everyone can not believe how well I look and how my skin has improved. I have thrown out Hormonal Replacement Therapy after being addicted to it for ten years. I am slim and trim and definitely no sign of middle age spread. I recommend the product to any one who will listen and as the proof is in the pudding most people do.Obviously the company has not capitalised on this life changing product as it is well priced and affordable. I am grateful to be a very happy mushie muncher.
Sharon King: I have been using Ganoderma for 2 years and I think it’s a wonderful product. Living a pretty stressful life I am no longer tired and feel great. There was a time  I did not want to get up in the mornings but since taking Ganoderma I bounce out of bed  and even find I am going to work early. I have people commenting on how well I look, and I feel well. I will continue to take Ganoderma for the rest of my life.
Carl King:  I was introduced to Ganoderma and began the detoxing process, I ended up with pimples all over my face and back, they were unsightly also I perspired a lot. I had thought of stopping but was encouraged to continue. I am glad I did now for six months down the track I am feeling great and my skin is healthy looking and I don’t have pimples. Thanks to Ganoderma, I will continue to use this wonderful product.
Dell Williams: I have had painful rashes on my arms for 15 years; I went to specialists and nothing they suggested worked. In the end the Doctors said I would just have to live with it.
A friend introduced me to Ganoderma toothpaste and after using it for a week and a half, my arms cleared up and the rash has not come back. I am now taking RG and GL capsules and I feel great.
Mrs. J. Keeble:  I am a 78-year-old lady and I wish it to be known that I was in big trouble after a bowel operation in October 2004.  After weeks of recuperating I kept on getting infections and lots of pain because of two stitches that had been left in my scar. I battled these infections and pain, which was diagnosed as Staffe, with antibiotics again and again with no response. 
My neighbour who uses Ganoderma decided that I needed greater help and I agreed to let her use Ganoderma on me. My scar at the navel was red  raw with inflammation so she opened one pair of capsules and mixed them into a small amount of Sorbelene cream the spread it on the inflamed area, then covered it with gauze. I also ingested 6 pair of capsules. On going to bed I realised that the pain was a lot less and I had the best nights sleep for a long time. When I removed the gauze in the morning I was so amazed that the inflammation was nearly gone. 
 I repeated the Ganoderma and cream application within 3 days all the inflammation was gone and my Doctor ceased the antibiotics. I have been taking Ganoderma since and my health is the best that it has been for a long time. I thank God for Ganoderma.
Trial by  Sunstate Thermal Imaging

The following information is extracted from a private trial to demonstrate the effectiveness of Ganoderma in helping the body to detoxify and return cellular function to an acceptable state to maintain a healthy body. Bio-Impedance analysis was used to measure body function during the trial and is part of an ongoing routine health monitoring regime. The following information is purposefully not intended in any way to be medical advice. The following information is the findings of Sunstate Thermal Imaging and is supplied as information only The subject was a three  year post cancer female aged 54/55. Body function and bio-impedance analysis indicated that her body was still in a less than favourable health state.

Ganoderma was commenced on 1st December 2004 . A Ganoderma detox program was followed and  afterwards supplementation was reduced to two pair per day thereafter.
One month into the trial, blood analysis figures had resolved to within reasonably acceptable parameters.

 Phase Angle
Phase Angle is a predictor of the outcome of life style and indicates the course of a disease or increases as the result of optimal health based on good nutrition and consistent exercise. The left hand side of this graph up to the Red line indicates a course of treatment up to the 1st of December 2004. By October abnormal cell disorder recovery medication had ceased and the female client continued on with various health regimes until undertaking Ganoderma alone. Ganoderma was commenced on 1st December as indicated by the red line. As you can see, Phase Angle readings began to climb steadily and as of 19th May was at 6. The reading for females needs to be between 5 & 7 with the optimum being 7 or above. These readings would indicate a great cell detox and the cells are now very efficient at taking in nutrient and expelling waste.
Impedence Index 
 The last Impedance Index reading is 1244.8  The Impedance Index number is the single most important indicator of health as it identifies the direction of cellular ageing. This number is literally the sum of all of  the information calculated by the computer to equate to a single reference point. The higher the impedance number the slower you are ageing at a cellular level. The present reading indicates a desirable health state. The Impedance Angle needs to be >1200 for women. As you can see, before the introduction of Ganoderma, cellular health was on a decline and ageing faster than desirable and was in a state of degeneration. It wasn’t until after the introduction of Ganoderma did the cellular system rally and begin to normalise above the acceptable minimum and effectively go into regeneration.
  Body Composition Index
 The Body Composition Index  figure is very useful to indicate cellular age as compared to chronological age and can indicate whether your cells are ageing faster than your natural and normal chronological ageing. This person was 55 years old and for the first time in quiet a long time, her cells are ageing slower and indicating a cellular age of a 48.8 year old.
   Fluid Index  
Hydration balance within the body is important. The Fluid Index figure is a single figure which indicates the overall state of body hydration taking into account intracellular and extracellular fluid balance for body age and mass. As you can see, proper fluid balance only returned after the introduction of Ganoderma as indicated by the Red line. Expected fluid index for this client is .64 . The graph is heading in the right direction and the reading of .76 is now classed as good. Previous readings of around .9 and .94 were average to poor hydration and contributing to  accelerated cellular ageing.
Intra Cellular Water
 Extra Cellular Water

Low intracellular fluid indicated a poor energy production and cellular nutritional status. Probable causes would be cellular toxicity and low cellular membrane integrity. After the introduction of the Ganoderma, intracellular fluids rose considerably because of detoxification assistance of ganoderma. Cellular integrity returned with good energy production and nutritional status.

A rise in intracellular fluid and decrease in extracellular fluids is a great result and is
most desirable for good health.
For us, there is little doubt that Ganoderma has made a huge difference to the health state of this person. Cellular energy production and nutritional status of this person has clearly returned to a  very desirable level and indicates the effectiveness of Ganoderma to normalize body cellular function so that the body can heal itself from the ravages of modern living. Without thinking about it, our bodies become toxic waste dumps as can be shown by Bio-impedance analysis. Our rubbish bins start overflowing and our bodies begin the down hill road of accelerated degeneration which is the actual disease.
Our bodies are a product of divine design and human engineering.
We are built of trillions of cells that have the capacity to divide and replace each other,
but cells have a limited capacity to divide. 
Under ideal circumstances our cells have the capacity to propel us into our early hundreds.
Our bodies are  programmed for survival and require good water and
good nutrition found in natural food and water.
If this ideal fuel is not available to our cells, we lack the necessary vitality to sustain prolonged life and we age faster than we should. 
As we decline, our bodies scream out for the right fuel. Remember these screams are  just the symptoms labelled as diseases of rapid degeneration from inadequate hydration & nutrition because we are largely drinking and eating all the wrong fuel causing our cells to be toxic and unable to metabolise our food into life sustaining energy.
When cells become toxic they lack energy and the ability to produce all sorts of
functions that the body needs.
Ganoderma helps to detoxify and normalise cellular function and sets up the body to heal itself, if it is given the right fuel. The continuing Ganoderma trial that we have so far conducted using Bio-Impedance Analysis is a glaring example of what Ganoderma can do for everyone regardless of their perceived bullet proof status.
Thank-you Sunstate Thermal Imaging for your Findings 

Catherine Cofield.   Caboolture. I have been taking Ganoderma for about 8 months. I started because of working very long hours running my own business, a home and caring for my elderly mother, all of which were very tiring and stressful and I was not sleeping very well. Since taking Ganoderma I find I'm sleeping better, eating healthier and have found time to exercise and I've lost a little weight as well. I am taking 2 pairs of capsules a day. I believe that Ganoderm a could help most people to live a better quality of life.

Fay Meers.  Caboolture.  At the time I started taking Ganoderma I had watery eyes and planned to seek medical advice. A fortnight later I no longer had watery eyes and I was taking 1 pair of capsules a day. I also had a "cosmetic" lump under my eye and after applying the Ganoderma toothpaste each night for 3 weeks the lump disappeared.
Mick Dracos.  I have suffered great pain in my knee for many years as a result of a bullet wound. I had obtained temporary relief from a foul smelling ointment that I had to apply every 6 hours. After rubbing the Ganoderma toothpaste onto my knee, the pain was relieved. It felt like "deep heat" and I could feel it going down into the bone. The pain has not returned and it has been one week since I applied the toothpaste.
Maureen Campbell.  I have suffered with pain in my shoulder (rotorcuff syndrome) for 2 and a half years. I have been unable to sleep undisturbed. I would wake up every 10 minutes with the pain. After rubbing the Ganoderma toothpaste onto my shoulder, I slept soundly, pain free that night, and the next. I was also continually free from the pain during the day. Today, 2 days later,
I felt a little pain (3% compared to 90% before the paste treatment). I have just had a little more toothpaste rubbed on my shoulder and the pain has completely gone.
Germaine Winspear   Cairns.
 My 7 yr old daughter brushed past a stinging nettle while walking through rainforest. 
A section of her arm welted up and was very red. Thankfully we had the Ganoderma
toothpaste near and applied it to the area. It was soothed instantly. The next day she was asked about her arm and she told us that she could not feel any pain at all. My husband removed the plant and was also stung on the hands, Ganoderma soothed him also and no more pain was felt. Stinging nettles usually last in the skin for weeks with a painful sensation. This toothpaste took the pain and it never returned. 
John Locke   Burpengary. I was diagnosed as having high blood pressure when I was 21. As I was ten feet tall and indestructible at that age I did nothing about it. At 34, I had a slight stroke and spent a few weeks in hospital, and have been treated for high blood pressure ever since. I have been hospitalised once since with Hepatitis A due to being over prescribed with blood pressure tablets. As it was hard to control with medication, however since I have been taking my Ganoderma, my blood pressure is very stable at 123 over 70 which I am very happy with. Also I injured my back in an industrial accident, was placed in traction for 6 weeks in Brisbane after which I had a laminectomy on my spine. As a result of taking anti inflammatory medication I finished with the bug that causes ulcers in my gut. After taking three courses of antibiotics, it was still there and causing quite a bit of indigestion and heartburn. Once again, since I have been taking my Ganoderma, my tummy has settled down and I now enjoy my meals once more, and no longer blame my wife’s cooking. 
Violet M Drake  The state of my health in Jan, 2004 was not good. I have serious bone disorders and thyroid problems and a slight problem with one of the valves in my heart. My main difficulty was living with so much pain and weakness. I could not walk very far without a stick or wheel-walker because my body and legs were very weak. The worst part of my day was waking up each morning with really bad lower back pain, and wondering if I could get out of the bed and stand up, and if I had enough strength to get down to breakfast. I was depressed about being unable to do so many things that I had always taken for granted, e.g. just being able to walk for more than a couple of minutes without having to sit down or hang out my washing or making my bed. I started to take one pair of DXN Ganoderma capsules on Monday 26th of Jan and continued to the next Monday when I increased the dose to two pairs per day. By the end of the next week I was beginning to feel the benefits of taking these capsules. On Monday Feb 9th , I woke up to find I had no back pain and more energy than I have had for some months, my brain seemed to be working better and I had a general feeling of well being that I had not experienced for some time. Yippee, I feel great !! I have now been on Ganoderma for seven weeks taking either 2 or 3 pairs a day and I feel wonderful ! No more excruciating  backache, lots of energy, even on these hot summer days. So many people being amazed at how well I look. Later I will be able to just take a maintenance dose of one pair a day.
Germaine Winspear   I have recently decided to give away self-inflicted poisoning of cigarettes. I have been reading information from many sources that claim, taking high doses of alkaline foodsreduce nicotine withdrawals. Spirulina is of course a food extremely high in alkaline, and has been helping me with any withdrawals. The Ganoderma is now working as it should, by not having to continue to try to detoxify me from those hundreds of other chemicals daily that I was receiving from smoking.
My husband’s hair is growing back. He has been going bald since his early twenties. Now that very shiny top area has got 1.5cm of new growth. He has been taking 2 pairs of capsules per day and went through    the initial detox program, also he has been using the Gano shampoo. This is something I would not think Ganoderma would live up to, but is continuing to amaze us all the time. We are also noticing that our nails are growing very fast and extremely strong. 
Lorraine Klump   Before I started taking Ganoderma I suffered from tired legs where both my
legs would continually ache in the night, similar to painful pins and needles. I also have had severe ringing in the ears regularly. Since taking Ganoderma for 7 months, I have noticed that
I no longer suffer from these pains in my legs and only twice have I experienced a slight ringing inthe ears. People have also commented on how clear and bright my eyes look and how my skin glows.
Valerie Milton-Thomson   I wish to state that I had fluid retention, causing swollen ankles and general discomfort for at least 40 years, and after consuming a pair of Ganoderma capsules per day for less than two months, my ankles are back to normal, with no signs of swelling. I have more energy, and a continuing feeling of well being. I found the capsules also helped me heal a Bowel condition, which I also have.

Sebastian Cabrera  I have always been an active worker up until 4 years ago. When I stopped working I started to get very sick. After consuming Ganoderma I have noticed many good results. My memory and my sight are both very good now, I have a lot more strength for gardening and hard work, I can now run. I have noticed the warts that were on my hands have disappeared from applying Ganoderma toothpaste and now disappearing from my ankles. An infection in my leg healed very quickly while taking Ganoderma. My hair was white and is now returning to original colour, I also am noticing new growth now. I no longer suffer from poor digestion and heartburn. A cancer spot on my hand has now gone from applying the toothpaste. While taking Ganoderma I started to get a rash on my body, this was a reaction and I stopped taking the capsules, while I was not taking the capsules, my blood pressure rose to 220 and heart b p m were 257, so I took the capsules again. These are both now regular. I feel like I have a new life, I will never stop taking Ganoderma. I also use the shampoo, coffee and toothpaste.


Bill Snow.  In 1991 I was diagnosed with a spinal degenerative disease, which left me unable to lift anything over 1 kg, and in constant pain which got progressively worse.  I needed frequent physiotherapy but after passing out after a session one day, I wasn’t allowed to have further treatment anywhere.  I was unable to leave the house except by ambulance from 1993 to 1996, when I got a wheelchair.  I have been using a wheelchair ever since.  I have been unable to obtain remedial treatment or relief from the condition no matter what I did.  I have had no feeling at all in my legs since 1991. I began taking Ganoderma in March 2004. I take just one pair of capsules per day but after 9 weeks I wasn’t getting any better. In fact the pain was much worse so I decided to stop taking them. My wife insisted I give them a fair go so I eventually agreed, and after 16 weeks (in June) the pain stopped altogether. Now I am walking, sometimes without assistance, sometimes with a walking stick. The feeling in my legs has returned, and is now completely normal.  I can drive my car again, for the first time in years. Ganoderma actually saves me a lot of money as well. Since I no longer need the range of vitamins and minerals I was on.
 Yvonne Parnell  I started taking Ganoderma in July....one of the main results so far is my improved sleeping, after many years of insomnia. Also a general feeling of energy and well-being.
 Coral Horton    I began taking Ganoderma in March and I am amazed at how well I am
coping with my increasingly busy lifestyle! My memory has improved along with my energy.
All hail Ganoderma !!
Anna Long   Since taking Ganoderma in April I have experienced initial energy spurts and longer concentration. I have also started to detox which with patience will deal with various issues in the body, which can heal itself. We give our 30kg, 13 year old dog a half capsule of each, and she has improved greatly. She was limping with serious joint pain, becoming incontinent and diahorrea. All those symptoms have gone after one month and she is now jumping around again !
 Glenda Sedgeman   I was born with breathing difficulties as was most of my fathers family. The effects were severe and debilitating, necessitating large quantities of drugs. I was often confined to bed and hospitalised I was pleased to have a vast improvement using kinesiology. Imagine my delight to find that the Ganoderma which was taken for another reason has made an enormous difference and I am almost symptom-free. 
Anne Prince   In January I was bitten by a White Tail spider, on the top of the arm, near the armpit. It was a big, red, weeping mess for 6 months. After one week of ingesting one pair of Gano capsules a day I noticed a big improvement. After two weeks  of applying the toothpaste  it was completely gone, with no scar. I have energy to burn, I am working harder at 56 than I did in my 40`s ! Ganoderma is fantastic!!
Maria Cooke   I have taken Ganoderma for two and a half months now and since I have started my bad back has disappeared and my energy levels have greatly improved. PS. My dentures now fit better on my gums.
Margie Wright  Nambour. I take 2 GL and 1 RG twice a day to ensure I do not develop mental decay, which my mother had. After 5 months I find my memory is greatly improved. A half-inch mole took 2 months to go. I clean my dogs` teeth with the toothpaste, which they love!
Joyce Bubb  Buderim. Thanks, Ganoderma Carers. I started very slowly on Ganoderma tea, coffee and toothpaste. I found all products helpful, and tried adding the detox, and restoring the capsules in small amounts after 3 weeks. I had noticeable results in my chronic lower back pain, hips, knees and painful bone disorder in my right foot, in particular. After 3 months of treatments, using the toothpaste and lotion morning and night on joints back pain has disappeared, and knees almost better. Thanks, Ganoderma.
 Lisa Spiquel   I started taking Gano 25.03.04. I had been constipated for 24 years, after a Caesarean section, but am OK now. My blood / excess iron health problem has gone. My hip and back pain improved in the first 3 weeks. I had been expecting to have to have a hip-replacement. I was always tired, but not any more, and I sleep like a baby. Friends tell me I am not looking grey any more!
My Gano Story....Part 1. Angela Cross ... 65 years young !!In October last year (2003) I returned to Australia from a trip to the UK. A good friend , showed me a new product, a health supplement made from mushrooms, and suggested I try it. However I was broke after my trip ! Besides, I already had a supply of health pills ......I remember feeling slightly irritated that I was being asked to make a purchase !!However I took a brochure to be obliging, which I filed, unread, in my health folder !!  5 months later , March 14th. 2004, while having a sort-out, I found the leaflet and read it......I couldn`t believe it, and went to see a friend a herbalist and naturopath / Dorothy, and Helen for their opinions. When she said she had been trialling it for 6 months I was stunned! We had been communicating since my return and she never mentioned it ! I had remarked how good she was looking, She didn`t say a lot,just gave me two capsules, and said to search the internet for "Ganoderma", then report next day.I took the capsules and went to bed. Well ! Next morning I woke and was immediately aware of a change......quite subtle......I felt as if I had had a massage an hour or so before, a kind of tingle all over ( I now know it was my circulation improving), and a feeling of serenity and well-being. I got up and realised I was bursting with energy, not one of my attributes as a rule ! I went for my usual morning swim with my neighbour and friend, Enid, who noticed I flew through my laps, most unusual !! So I told her about the capsules.....of course !!The rest as they say is history, though a short one so far......after 3 weeks the results for me are: Increased energy levels.....no more of my noon-tide naps.....what a waste of a lovely day !! My sunspots and age spots are fast clearing up. I have cataracts on my left eye, to be removed in another year.....but the vision is improving,  My night- driving vision is better, (I avoided night- driving, ref cataracts, the glare from other lights bothered me a bit), it doesn`t now. Friends tell me bluntly" your wrinkles are better!)....even friends who don't yet know about the mushroom !! My appetite has decreased and I have lost about a kilo.. I have scoliosis, but friends observe I am not as stooped as I was, still a way to go ! I am sleeping less hours but wake feeling really refreshed. We`re talking 3 weeks here !! I can`t wait to see what else is in store......I bless Julie for the leaflet and her gentle persuasion, and Helen for those first pills and her informed endorsement......I firmly believe we all need supplementation in the environment in which we live these days, and have used many and various to good effect....never have I seen such dramatic results in such a short time.
Angela Cross: Part 2  I have now been taking DXN Ganoderma for 7 months. Three years ago I had cataracts surgically removed from my right eye, and have been monitored annually to assess when the other eye would need to be done. I had my check-up today and my left eye has stabilised and slightly reversed, a very exciting development, I will have another check in 9 months. I am fairly confident surgery will not be necessary. Apart from that this product has made some other changes for me : Restoring hair colour, I can read some print in a good light without specs, My night-vision when driving is greatly improved, My sun spots are almost all gone, severe ones, My curved spine is improved, Damaged tissue on the sole of my foot is no longer sore, Hip- pain has gone, Water-works sorted, no urgency now !! Energy levels up, and sleeping better, tho` not as long, General feeling of serenity and well-being, Tooth decay and loose teeth halted. I have used and recommended some good health products over the past decade, but I have never had such quantifiable and noticeable results as I have with Gano, although I am a decade older! Bless you, Dr Lim 
 Yvonne. I had a rash between my fingers did not develop into the usual blisters and in 2 days is inhealing process. I used the toothpaste (3 weeks treatment).
Richard Hays   I was persuaded to try Ganoderma to counter my cigarette smoking and for painful joints. Almost immediately I noticed a difference in the pain. I could sit cross-legged without discomfort. I became complacent after taking the pills for 2 months and failed to
re-order. I was well so I thought. Within 1 week I re-ordered! My joints were again extremely painful. I had forgotten what pain I had been in before I started now I have energy to burn. I have always looked great (of course !) but now with Ganoderma I also feel great. I am 56.
Mavis Lincoln  Immediately after being introduced to Ganoderma Lucidum it was discovered that I had a thickening of the Endometrium (6.3mm). My doctor advised further investigation as malignancy was considered a strong possibility. I declined but agreed to a further ultrasound after 3 months. The Endometrium is now a normal thickness of 3mm. 
Eddie: 63yrs   I have worked in the earthmoving, mining and construction industry for the past 45 years and believe me operating heavy machinery has taken its toll on my fitness and general health, not to mention blood pressure, the onset back and neck pain and being overweight.
In 1976 I sustained a severe right shoulder injury when tossed over a fence by a bull I incurred extensive soft tissue damage and over the years the doctors could only prescribe painkillers, mostly panadene forte I have been unable to sleep on my right side as numbness and pins-and-needles would give me constant pain. In mid 2003 when going to climb down a ladder into an excavation the ladder collapsed and I fell 18 feet to the bottom with one leg twisted in the ladder. Again after several x-rays there was no broken bones. Two separate doctors concluded I had sustained torn cartilage and soft tissue damage and was a prime candidate for a knee replacement. The only relief from pain was hot packs and massage lotions which would last 3 to 4 hours. My knee would give-way as soon as I put my weight on it I was first introduced to the products in late March/04. I rubbed the toothpaste on my aching knee after a shower one night and the next morning the pain had eased a lot and my knee did not collapse under my weight.
A week later I started taking the capsules. After two days I asked my wife how long did it take for the products to work? She didn’t know, as she was still learning about these products. She asked why?Well I said "I hardly notice any pain in my knee.” I have been taking the ganoderma capsules now for 6 weeks and will not be without them everbecause of the tremendous relief.
It’s given me. I can now sleep on my right side very comfortably the toothpaste I am rubbing on the sunspots on my hands, upper arms and face the more recent ones are disappearing very quickly. I’m looking forward to my next medical check, which I have every 6 months. Maybe my blood pressure will be normal. To those of you who are operating heavy machinery or driving trucks and can relate to these conditions I have experienced you won’t know what these marvellous Chinese herbs can do for you till you try them.
Jeanie Hore   On Thursday Sandi & I went over to Hong Kong for the day. She had to
renew her visa & I had to get some more gano products. I am so thrilled with this product ...ganoderma .....for those of U who know me will know that I have suffered for many years with ankle joint pain, which has not allowed me to do any extensive walking. Well it is hardly 2 mths since I started taking the tablets & already I can walk for any length of time  & not have any pain. I have really put this to the test & you cannot believe how much this changes my life style. A full day at school with 5 lessons, no big deal at all now. They also give U a lot more energy & I sleep really well. For a long time prior to taking the tablets I always had very restless nights. 
Maxine Smith  I had mercury toxicity which affected my whole body, kidneys, ears, eyes, brain. Also artery problems. When I started on the Ganoderma I had an initial increase in energy and better temperament, but a shocking shortness of breath after 3 weeks. I maintained on  3 pairs a day until it passed. Now I have no more mercury toxicity, my teeth are improving, my vision, hearing and breathing are all better.
Robyn Green   I had very heavy menstrual bleeding for several years. I was always very tired from all the constant bleeding. Blood tests revealed my iron levels were very low, normal being 100....mine was 4 !   I wanted to sleep all the time. I started taking iron and Vit. B supplements, but it can take up to a year to raise iron levels.  I needed a quicker solution.  I began taking Ganoderma and could not believe, within 2 days, how much energy I had.I cleaned my house and car, first time in ages ! My whole outlook has improved.....I feel alive again, I hardly ever feel tired, I work, I play, I can do anything I want. It`s AMAZING !!
Honora Broderick For 4-5 months I had a lump the size of a pea in my breast, which became infected. The doctor put me on antibiotics, and when the inflammation subsided she made an appointment for a biopsy. But meanwhile I had been on Ganoderma for 6 weeks, and returned to my Doctor the lump had gone.
Ron Kennedy  I was diagnosed with a mass in my stomach. My doctor proposed surgery
but I decided to do a Detox, up to 30 pairs of Ganoderma per day. When I returned 15th September there was no mass left. I believe Ganoderma helped to remove it. I believe that everyone needsGanoderma in his or her lives.
Elizabeth Pepene :   I had my first stroke at age 81 while I was hospitalised with food poisoning. So I was 6 weeks in hospital instead of 1week.  After 6 months care by my daughter, I was able to live on my own again. I suffered another stroke 4 months ago,  which has affected my memory and mobility and I am unable to live alone again. I will be 96 on 23rd November, 2004. What I realise is that is that through my daughter giving  me a daily dose of Ganoderma I am walking confidently again with my stick. No more wheelchair or walking-frame. My short-term memory is improving. I also have a stoma, and the soap is great for keeping it clean from escoring. Massages with the oil on my legs help my grazes and bruises heal quickly. Sometime I forget to take my prescribed medication, but I always take my Gano capsules. They make me feel so good.
Bruce & Greta Howard   I am aged 67 years - and reside in Auckland, New Zealand - This testimonial is freely given to assist any person who may wish to use the products RG - Reishi Gano and GL - Ganocelium.
I have been using the tablets for three months now and although sceptical to start with, have been having a pair of tablets a day ever since.
For the past 8 years approx. I have been suffering from Schamberg's disease  (progressive pigmented purpura) on the lower right leg. This unsightly condition has lessened quite significantly in the colour and area previously affected. Further, a large varicose vein on  the right calf has almost receded back to skin level and diminished in  size and colour. In addition two growths, one on the upper spine which protruded radially, and  the other on the left side of the neck, have receded to the point where there the have  almost disappeared and become unnoticeable. This is quite remarkable as for the past several years they had been growing! 
My wife, who is 63, and myself have both noticed our hair has been growing faster and thickening. Mine is even encroaching over the bald spot on my crown - to the point where my barber is commenting. Both of us have also experienced our skin becoming less dry, with flaking and cracking disappearing where once we had to use a salve to keep the skin moisturized, especially on our lower limbs. My wife has also noticed her spider varicose veins are fading. Our general feeling of well-being has increased as well. We now consider the use
of these products to be part and parcel of our normal health regime.
We have no hesitation in accepting enquiries as to the above statements of fact. 

Helen Hazell   65 years and getting younger by the minute. My Ganoderma Story: Before I started taking Ganoderma Lucidum one year ago, I felt "an absolute wreck'', in fact I thought I was "going down the tube”. When I eventually got out of bed each day, I felt  like I had been ‘hit by a truck’ I was sore all over and it took me a few minutes to stand up. I suffered from many conditions such as blood disorders, frequent bladder infections, heavy aching legs, sadness, sciatica, short term memory loss, poor eyesight, bowell problems, sinus problems, overweight, brain fog, left hip problem, snow white hair, generally felt and looked very old, sick and I was in pain. Nothing my GP gave me did any good at all and although being a trained nurse and trained naturopath myself I could not help myself either. I spent most of my time sitting,
laying down or sleeping, I felt so bad that I didn’t want to go on living because I didn’t want to
be a burden on my wonderful partner who had said "Even if I have to spoon feed you,
I won’t leave you”. 
The day after I took my first pair of capsules, I woke up in the morning amazed that I  could remember my dreams in vivid colour, I hadn’t been able to remember dreams for years, so I knew something dramatic was happening in my brain, and since that very  first day I have gradually continued to improve in health and sense of wellbeing to the  point that I no longer feel sick and old, my eyesight has improved dramatically and even  my hair colour is gradually going back to it’s original shade. Over a few weeks I gradually built up my dose to 6 pair of caps a day and stayed on that dose for 3 months, I now take 4 pair a day. Now, when I wake up in the morning I bounce out of bed work all day and hardly ever need to rest, I laugh a lot and I feel absolutely fantastic and people keep telling me how great I look. I have started an eBay business which keeps me very busy, I love it and I’m coping very well with it, considering I work 7 days a week and up to16 hours a day. I truly believe that Ganoderma Lucidum has 'turned back the clock' for me and I never want to go back to the way I felt before. I plan to take these capsules for the  rest of my life.
Kristine Denholm:  My True Story: My name is Kristine, I am 39 years old. 11 years ago,  in 1993, I was diagnosed with a severe form of a common painful joint condition.
My health which had been generally very good, deteriorated quite rapidly, for the most part the medical treatment offered to me was aggressive and I began a regime of anti inflammatory, chemotherapy  and assorted pain relieving drugs, that merely reduced, temporarily, the chronic insidious pain I was in. More drugs were to follow. At stages I was taking twenty different tablets, several times a day. This disease started in my toes and ankles but quickly spread to other soft tissue areas of my joints and caused swelling and inflammation of fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, sacro-iliac, jaw, knees, ribs, spine and neck. Within twelve months I had been classified an invalid and been allocated a full time care giver. In the next few years was hospitalised fourteen times. My whole system seemed to suffer from the enormous amount of pharmaceutical drugs I was taking. I was losing hair, I had bowel problems, bad skin, tooth loss, lethargy, severe sadness and muscle atrophy. I was a wreck and on the verge of suicide several times. I was then given information about very potent antioxidant treatment; this helped for a time and allowed me to lead a more normal existence. Then, two years ago, the disease returned with a vengeance, I flared badly, but the anti oxidant treatment, this time, only had minimal effect and it was very expensive. I avoided  my Doctor for a while as long as I could, for fear of this drug therapy nightmare beginning again however, eventually; I had to go back, to get relief from the terrible pain  I was in.  At this stage my right elbow was swollen and I could not straighten my arm  it was locked at a 45% angle also my left shoulder was swollen and I could not lift that arm more than a few inches so I could not look after myself, I was so depressed and  looked forward with dread at a future of pain, drugs and dependency on others.
Then, just when I had no hope left, I heard about Ganoderma Lucidum, just ten weeks ago, this was 4 weeks after I had reluctantly, been back to my Doctor to begin chemotherapy again. A friend gave me some Ganoderma Lucidum to try,   to my amazement I had a very positive reaction within a few hours and since that  very first pair of capsules, I have been completely pain free, yes completely pain free!, without taking any more drugs at all. Every part of my body is improving daily, hourly. The joints, while still swollen, are pain  free, I sleep very soundly, my bowels behave normally, I have energy to burn, my head is clear and I have been able to return to full time work. My gums teeth hair and skin are all showing signs of rejuvenation, spots and marks on my skin are reducing in size and I  feel my libido returning. My vision is clearing and I have no lethargy. All of this has happened in a few short weeks and since I first started on the detox program, I have taken up to eight pairs of capsules a day but have now reduced them to 3 pairs a day and continue to enjoy improved health. Iam happy to discuss my condition and healing with anyone who feels hopeless like I did.    In good health and happiness,
NATURES PHARMACY IS THE BEST.   In good health and happiness,

Warren Pobje's story    I have the Haemo chromatosis gene which causes the body to absorb abnormal and excessive amounts of iron. As iron is toxic, Haemo chromatosis can cause arthritis, diabetes and liver disorders, among other diseases. Because it is genetic there is no cure and the only treatment is to be bled at regular intervals. For the last four years I've suffered constant and increasing pain in my joints together with some liver problems. During that four years I've had fortnightly bleeds for three months in each 6. By the end of August 2003 it had become difficult and painful to walk or drive. At the time I had just finished 3 months of fortnightly bleeds and the blood test revealed an iron reading of 85 (the recommended maximum is 100).

 In the first week of September I started taking Ganoderma capsules. By the 4th day the pain was worse than I had ever had but by the end of that week the pain had started to decrease markedly. By the end of November I only had slight pain in 3 knuckles with no pain in my joints. I had my 3 monthly blood test at the end of November and instead of an iron level of around 500, as it normally would be after 3 months, the level was only 108, which is a negligible increase. For the first time in 4 years I'm 99% free of pain,  my liver readings are getting back to normal and the majority of the excess iron is being flushed from my body and I no longer require regular bleeds.  Thanks to Ganoderma I can live a normal happy, healthy life.

 Hans Liszikam  Since I was diagnosed with a blood sugar problem about 3 years ago, my blood sugar levels fluctuated from 5.8 to 8.9. Since taking Ganoderma it has stabilized and dropped to 4.8, 5.3, 5.8, 5.3.  (4 tests a day). This is great news. I also cut the tip of my index finger with a circular saw about 3 weeks ago. Thanks to Ganoderma it has healed already despite my problem. Since washing my hair with Ganoderma Shampoo, I have noticed a darkening in the colour, more like when I was younger and my hair looks and feels fuller. I also have severe Arthritis and since taking the capsules I now can walk and even run. Waste elimination was always a big problem. This too has normalized. I also have severe sleep disorders (insomnia). Since taking the capsules, I fall asleep easy and awake after six hours, feeling refreshed and energized. My Liver functions normally now and the pain in my joints, that for around two weeks increased, is barely evident now.
Correspondence from Olga Veta, Kodiak Island Alaska Thank you for all of your advices and methods of regrowing cartilage. I will start boiling chicken soups more, I love to boil the bones. I am missing cartilage in the left knee after a surgery that went bad, and I also have trouble with my hips.  It was very encouraging to hear that you are "RUNNING" up the steps after 15 years of not being able to do so. There might be hope for me too. I walk like an old woman, and because of the pain, I waddle like a duck. I am slowly getting better since I've started taking big doses of MSM supplements, and Glucosamine sulfate, and Vitamin C. I am only 60, and I should still be able to walk normally.
I will be ordering more . I need to look at the other products that the company has. Take care, my friend, talk to you soon again, Olga
Hello, from Alaska: How are you?
That Ganoderma seems to be a real miracle. I would like to buy a supply. Five of each bottle, ten in total. Please, let me know how much it will cost, plus shipping, and I will send the money to you in advance so that you do not have to put your own money out.
The miracles: my kidneys are working better. The swelling around my left knee has disappeared. I am walking overall better, and I sleep a lot better. It seems to also have changed how I react to foods. I was very allergic to lots of things, and now I can tolerate them so much better. I want to put Pete on this, that is why I want to get a good supply. Please, let me know. And wishing you a wonderful day, Olga
Rod Osmond  I feel that taking Ganoderma has helped my body detox from chemicals inhaled while working on farms. The product seems to have caused rashes under my  arms and in the groin area and if I scratch the rash I can smell the chemicals, which had inhaled years ago.
Beverly Paul   I was introduced to  Ganoderma 3 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with a disease 3 years ago, causing bone deformity and pain. I was taking so many painkillers my skin broke out with rashes. My doctor said I would need injections to control the pain. Since I began taking the capsules I am starting to hope, as my back- pain and leg-pain have disappeared, in fact I am pain-free! I can hardly believe it.
Marie Barrett  I have been using Ganoderma capsules for fifteen months. During that time I have enjoyed increased energy level, clearer thinking. Vastly improved immune system, and now my hair is growing to its natural colour (silver disappearing). I do not  use the shampoo, however, I do use the Ganoderma toothpaste for teeth and gums as well as cleaning a mild bout of tinea (athletes foot).
Barry Beetham Thanks to Ganoderma for helping me over come my blood sugar level problem, which I had is now gone. Thank you – you're doing something great in helping others to wellness.
Selwyn Montgomery  I was born with a mild disorder of the central nervous system from the waist down. At the age of 49, I had an operation to straighten my legs. 10 months after that operation I still had a lot of difficulty walking and I had to use a walking stick. I then heard about Ganoderma and started  taking 6 pairs a day because of my condition. About 10 days after starting, I felt something liken to electric currents or pulses on each side of the top of my brain which lasted about 24 hours. It was a very unusual feeling, but there was no pain. Realising  that  Ganoderma could be doing something, I then started to take 10 pairs per day. Very soon after I began walking without aid. Iactually threw away my walking stick !
Colin McGillivray Auckland NZ) I suffered with high cholesterol, over 10, and blood pressure problems. Since I started on Ganoderma in July 2004, I now have normal blood-pressure and my cholesterol is below 5.   I had battled for years to lower my cholesterol count.   I also had restless legs which is now gone.
John Breukelaar (Ashburton NZ)  Because of my work as a painter, I am full of lead toxins,
and all my joints have always ached. After 7 months (on Ganoderma) my joints no longer ache.......and on my bald head, my hair is growing back !

Neil Berryman Christchurch NZ) I was a spray-painter, using cyanide-based paints. Since taking Ganoderma I have a sequence of skin-eruptions occurring regularly, emitting quantities of matter. I can identify the smell of cyanide, showing me the detoxification process ongoing.!

Colleen Cox,  Hervey Bay: I have been on Ganoderma now for 1 month. There are no words to describe the difference it has made to my life. I have so much energy now and I sleep a whole lot better. I recommend Ganoderma to everybody. It’s fantastically great, so try it.
Peter Kelly  Carseldine QLD
A friend told me about Ganoderma while standing in a back yard on the Sunshine Coast. She had suffered from MS for many years and found relief at last. I always like to get all  the facts on these things and from independent sources, I decided to try a toothpaste product. I was already pretty healthy for 55 years but my doctor had identified some spots on my face, which he  was going to 'freeze' off. One in particular was quite sore to touch, so I applied a small amount of paste to this largest and worst patch on my cheek, once each day. Three weeks later I was scratching off an area of brownish skin that had formed. A couple of  days of scratching removed the dead skin layer to reveal pink skin which after two more days had settled to no more than a pale blemish which has had no soreness since. I considered the problem solved so I was eager to try other DXN products. I'm still  noticing improvements in my general health and feel like I could take on the world. I feel more alert yet calm enough to cope with everyday situations. I consume several DXN products each day including RG/GL, Spirulina, Toothpaste and 3in1 coffee.  Thank you so much Dr. Lim.

Valerie Milton-Thompson: I have always, since being a small child, had irritating Bowel problems, which has caused me to have diahhorea problems after eating certain foods. In November/December in 2001 I was diagnosed as having Bowel Cancer, and had surgery on the tumour, it being removed. I am very happy to have survived the operation. I am  alive.  However, there has been a side effect, which my surgeon told me is rare.... My bouts of Diahhorea increased and were present after each lot of food ingested. I was prescribed Loper amide, Lofenalac and Imodium in order to try to gain some relief, all of which was ineffective in relieving my problem, and caused me great discomfort and anguish.  Since October 2003 and
I have been taking the RG and GL capsules daily, sometimes 2 pairs, and sometimes 4 pairs. 
I was introduced to the TOOTHPASTE, and not only using it to clean my teeth, swallow it in approx. 2" [inch] amounts after each meal. My diahhorea is minimal and Thanks to this product, and the Ganoderma capsules, I can now live a normal and far less embarrassing life. I no longer have had to take the tablets afore mentioned. and rely wholly on the toothpaste. I find too, by taking the capsules, and the coffee that I have much more vitality, and am enjoying life far more than pre Ganoderma days.  I have had another effect from the DXN products, this being my ankles not retaining fluid, as they had done for more than 40 years after the birth of my  third child.
Lyn Betar  Dubbo:  I have been using the product for about 4 months. I have had a great detox, thank God, being 60 years young I have obviously accumulated a lot of toxins over the years. Everyone can not believe how well I look and how my skin has improved. I have thrown out Hormonal Replacement Therapy after being addicted to it for ten years. I am slim and trim and definitely no sign of middle age spread. I recommend the product to any one who will listen and as the proof is in the pudding most people do.Obviously the company has not capitalised on this life changing product as it is well priced and affordable. I am grateful to be a very happy mushie muncher.
Sharon King: I have been using Ganoderma for 2 years and I think it’s a wonderful product. Living a pretty stressful life I am no longer tired and feel great. There was a time  I did not want to get up in the mornings but since taking Ganoderma I bounce out of bed  and even find I am going to work early. I have people commenting on how well I look, and I feel well. I will continue to take Ganoderma for the rest of my life.
Carl King:  I was introduced to Ganoderma and began the detoxing process, I ended up with pimples all over my face and back, they were unsightly also I perspired a lot. I had thought of stopping but was encouraged to continue. I am glad I did now for six months down the track I am feeling great and my skin is healthy looking and I don’t have pimples. Thanks to Ganoderma, I will continue to use this wonderful product.
Dell Williams: I have had painful rashes on my arms for 15 years; I went to specialists and nothing they suggested worked. In the end the Doctors said I would just have to live with it.
A friend introduced me to Ganoderma toothpaste and after using it for a week and a half, my arms cleared up and the rash has not come back. I am now taking RG and GL capsules and I feel great.
Mrs. J. Keeble:  I am a 78-year-old lady and I wish it to be known that I was in big trouble after a bowel operation in October 2004.  After weeks of recuperating I kept on getting infections and lots of pain because of two stitches that had been left in my scar. I battled these infections and pain, which was diagnosed as Staffe, with antibiotics again and again with no response. 
My neighbour who uses Ganoderma decided that I needed greater help and I agreed to let her use Ganoderma on me. My scar at the navel was red  raw with inflammation so she opened one pair of capsules and mixed them into a small amount of Sorbelene cream the spread it on the inflamed area, then covered it with gauze. I also ingested 6 pair of capsules. On going to bed I realised that the pain was a lot less and I had the best nights sleep for a long time. When I removed the gauze in the morning I was so amazed that the inflammation was nearly gone. 
 I repeated the Ganoderma and cream application within 3 days all the inflammation was gone and my Doctor ceased the antibiotics. I have been taking Ganoderma since and my health is the best that it has been for a long time. I thank God for Ganoderma.

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